Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas All!

Hope you all had a lovely day yesterday, celebrating with family and friends.

As we do every year, we spent the day at my mother's. Last year we started a new tradition, and we meet her for Church first. At 9am. It's about a 40min drive. So we don't get much of a sleep in.

It was a lovely day and naturally I took no photographs, despite actually remembering to take the camera with me. Miss R scored very well and was particularly rapt with the Justin Bieber book and the Justin Bieber cd that hasn't actually been released in Australia yet. Well done Auntie R and Auntie E!!

My sister seemed to like the quilt I made her, which was also much admired by my aunt, so I can see a new quilt recipient on my horizon.(I made the Wedding quilt for her daughter.) I asked what colours she liked and she said "maroon" - which could be a little tricky....

I was going to add a photo here, but I realise it's still in the camera, Miss R wants me to rip the cd's she got, and Mr G is champing at the bit to head off to Victor, so I'd better leave it here and get myself ready.

Enjoy the rest of your holidays!

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